Need Senior Oracle DBA

Senior Oracle DBA

Location: NJ

Duration: 10 Months

Rate: Open

Platform: Data Administration

Job Title: Database Analyst Project Lead

We need a senior Oracle DBA to help with the support and development of the
existing PRR system. This system supports the SEAS web site which has a large
number of queries and very strict SLA requirements.
Details of Position:
The Senior DBA should be familiar with large Oracle databases and all of the native
features and functionality that Oracle provides to facilitate high performance.
Management Skills:
Excellent written and verbal communication skills. Ability to work in teams and
cooperate with other groups also required.

Primary Skill: Oracle
Additional Skills:
UNIX Fundamentals - Advanced
UNIX Shell - Advanced

Technical Recruiter

Nexus Software Solutions
215-853-2976 x 210
215-853-8664 x210
Fax: 215-261-6099
peter@nxsofts. com
URL : www.nxsofts. com

Box Office


The true man was the man that never the breach of contract

Don't idolised the love. The love without being accompanied by the commitment of only happy feelings for a moment. And sometime in the future you will be eaten by your life on behalf of the love.